- Name: Miss Robyn
- Location: Katoomba, NSW, Australia
here I am in a little cottage that evokes the energies of my ancestral lands - a cottage on the moors of Cornwall, or on the cliff tops of Ireland or Scotland. It has a hearth. I am a hedge witch {of sorts}.
I wear upcycled clothes, patchouli oil and Redback boots.
I am a gypsy; an eccentric and a mystic [I often live with a foot in two worlds].
I serve my guests, tea from an old silver teapot.
I love Vervain, yarrow, chamomile & mint.
Star watcher and Moon gazer. story cloth weaver. keeper of family dreams and wishes. good friend and creator of life. herbal tea drinker and potion maker.
View my complete profile
robyn....hope you read this before you go!!! you have to read this post whilst humming - I am sailing by rod stewart...lol....
have a wonderful relaxing holiday you lucky duckie you!!! thinkof us here swooning from the heat......anyway..enjoy the lovely cruise, and see you wneh you get back!!! hugs...Garden girl
sorry about typos - rushing so that it catches you before you set off!!!
Have a fantastically fabulous time, ms*r. Will miss you lots and lots, and am looking forward to seeing all the lovely pics when you get back.
We will miss you, too!!!!!!
Have fun ms* R, You'll have to tell us all about it when ya get back. I'm sure you'll have all kinds of wonderful stories to tell.
the neighborhood will seem empty without you so stay safe, have fun and hurry home!
We'll be checking your blog every few days just in case you get the urge to post....just kidding. I know you will have a fabulous time...it sounds so relaxing to get away. No phones or work...heavenly!
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