for us
Carve out an hour a day for solitude.
Begin and end the day with prayer, meditation, or reflection.
Keep it simple.
Keep your house picked up.
Don’t overscheduled.
Strive for realistic deadlines.
Never make a promise you can’t keep.
Allow an extra half hour for everything you do.
Create quiet surroundings at home and at work.
Go to bed at 9 o’clock twice a week.
Breathe--deeply and often.
Move--walk, dance, run, find a sport you enjoy.
Drink pure spring water. Lots of it.
Eat only when you’re hungry.
If it’s not delicious, don’t eat it.
Be instead of do.
Set aside one day a week for rest and renewal.
Laugh more often.
Luxuriate in your senses.
Always opt for comfort.
If you don’t love it, live without it.
Let Mother Nature nurture.
Don’t answer the telephone during dinner.
Stop trying to please everybody.
Start pleasing yourself.
Stay away from negative people.
Don’t squander precious resources: time, creative energy, emotion.
Nurture friendships.
Don’t be afraid of your passion.
Approach problems as challenges instead.
Honor your aspirations.
Surrender expectations.
Savor beauty.
Create boundaries.
Exchange security for serenity.
Care for your soul.
Express love every day.
Search for your authentic self until you find her.
*found on*
special words to live by...What a nicer world this world would be if all of us aspired to at least some of these :)
Such special words...wouldn't this world be a much nicer place if we all aspired to live by even some of these...
*Have a happy day :)*
Great ideals to live by if I could just put it to the task.
Hi Robyn,just dropping in to say I hope you had a wonderful Christmas~I am trying to play "catch~up" on the blogs!
Oh, if only! Great ideals to have and aspire to. A bit overwhelming when you read them all, but I'm sure I could master a couple at a time. Who knows where it might lead to?
Thanks Robyn, that list beats any New Year's Resolution.
I hope you have a very happy New Year, too.
Ohh thanks for the list Robyn - something for me to aspire too. Have a wonderful New Year.
Good stuff. And I think I'll print it off.
excellent advice - copying and pasting in to my journal me thinks!]
thanks Robyn.
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