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daily parcels * tied up in string *

daily musings of a vintage addict * I am totally obsessed with all things vintage * trying to keep up with my past...and sometimes ordinary everyday life

My Photo
Location: Katoomba, NSW, Australia

here I am in a little cottage that evokes the energies of my ancestral lands - a cottage on the moors of Cornwall, or on the cliff tops of Ireland or Scotland. It has a hearth. I am a hedge witch {of sorts}. I wear upcycled clothes, patchouli oil and Redback boots. I am a gypsy; an eccentric and a mystic [I often live with a foot in two worlds]. I serve my guests, tea from an old silver teapot. I love Vervain, yarrow, chamomile & mint. Star watcher and Moon gazer. story cloth weaver. keeper of family dreams and wishes. good friend and creator of life. herbal tea drinker and potion maker.

Plan ahead and dream of all the beautiful things that life has to offer

September 01, 2005

now I can rest easy.....

I had my checkup this afternoon and my results came back.
isn't that wonderful? I am doing the happy dance and feel so relieved, I can't tell you just how relieved I am. I was quite beside myself with fear as I didn't think I had it in me to fight again..... so it is with a light and happy heart that I am off to bed. Big thankyous to each of you for all the prayers, emails, good thoughts and well wishes..

now please remember to check your own breasts for lumps
so important


Blogger Peggy said...

Happy Dance happening here for you too! So glad you got the great results. Sleep well

10:32 pm  
Blogger Amy said...

woo hoooo! That certainly is an answer to prayer Robyn - great news!

6:00 am  
Blogger Gina said...

I am so glad to hear such wonderful news!

6:05 am  
Blogger Alice said...

Wonderful news and a great relief to you and all of your family. May good health be yours for many years.

9:54 am  
Blogger Shell said...

That is fabulous news, really truly!

12:55 pm  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Great stuff, Robyn - best news on the Blogs all week!

2:50 am  
Blogger Laurie said...

Dear Robyn,
I am so glad to hear the wonderful news ~ I will pray for your continued good health.

12:04 am  
Blogger Maggie Ann said...

Oh I am so happy to hear the good news! Praise the Lord!

1:02 pm  

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